Simple Life = Fulfilling Life

Heart and Soul Nebula —photo by Dario Bronninmann on Unsplash

Something cool is happening this summer— an awakening of senses, heart, and soul.

According to Chinese medicine, summer is the season when we have a heightened potential for transformation:
our senses can become unclouded and finely attuned,
perspectives can be re-framed,
perceptions and beliefs can change,
our luminous hearts can shine forth,
and problems can seemingly vaporize.
It's a gorgeous season—full, round and juicy with possibilities.

Though summer just started, I feel this clarifying and re-framing is already happening for me, and it is in large part because of you.

Being in community with you all, experiencing the warmth and intimacy that comes with regular gathering and connecting, helps me tune in.
And, by tuning in, I've discovered that
my heart's desire is to live a simpler life.

Wait. What? I thought what I really wanted was MORE, and BETTER?!

Simplicity is the key to happiness, right?
A lifetime curating the particular mindset of more and better has clouded that truth for me. By regularly practicing denying, complaining, wishing, waiting, hoping, and wanting, it's not surprising I sometimes don't feel nourished my my life. Instead I sometimes find myself in a pit, feeling anxious, depressed.

Sounds familiar?

When I look with unclouded eyes to where the light of my heart is shining, why am I so reluctant to claim what is obvious?
By constantly wanting and striving for more and better, I repeatedly deny what my heart and soul are showing me:

I live a lovely, simple life.
I have everything I need, and I don't need much.
What surrounds and is in me is beauty, nature, love, kindness, generosity, intelligence, laughter.
Life is good.

I'm finding it takes courage and a lot of trust to recognize and admit that, to bask in that.

And, it takes courage and trust to come to the mat regularly, too.
That makes all the difference.
For you who arrive regularly, are you noticing this call to see where the light of your heart shining?

This summertime invitation to open our senses and investigate where our hearts and souls are calling us is definitely a mindful process.

Thank you for showing up and practicing with me and each other.
We flourish through our meaningful connections and intimate explorations, being as mirrors, containers, compassionate witnesses,
and champions for each other.
Mindful movement is truly a path illuminated and led by the heart.

Join us!

Margot Rossi

Author of To Be Like Water, Asian medicine practitioner, movement artist and instructor (hatha and kundalini yoga, dao yin)

The Indian of the Whole


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